在湘潭大学数学系本硕连读,华中科技大学博士毕业,国防科大与东南融通企业博士后。入选2017年厦门“双百计划”领军型创业人才,闽江科学传播学者, 厦门市科技经济促进会高级顾问,中国大数据学术创新百人,公益慈善中国行专家。中华人民共和国成立70周年&2019年中国农产品服务推广最具影响力领军人物。美国威斯康星-Madison分校、香港城市大学、澳门大学访问学者。
发表了60多篇SCI论文,Google H-index=32。承担华为、国家自然科学基金等大数据和人工智能项目10多项。创立我知盘中餐和红树林公益教育平台。多次受邀奔赴国内外机构做学术报告和公益讲座。
1. 算法设计与分析, 本科,2003至今
2. ACM兴趣班,本科,2004-2008年
3. 高性能算法,研究生,2005-2016年
4. 数据挖掘,研究生,2011-2017年
5. 近似算法,博士生,2011-2016年
6. IT创新创业与实践,本科生,2017年至今
1. 中国计算机学会通讯委员
2. 中国混合智能专委会委员
3. 福建计算机学会理事
1. 2019级 博士生:朱中杭;研究生:阳名钢,杨莉,陈健,周豪
2. 2018级 博士生:陈俊德,ZEB;研究生:陈嘉俊,颜颖靖,李梦亭,万雯赟
3. 2017级 博士生:雷振风,洪绍辉,陕振沛;研究生:陈欢(腾讯)、江建烽(亚马逊),李凯(阿里),刘展(中国电信广州研究院),陈梦烦(腾讯),陈梦圆*(杭州滴滴),江莹莹*(厦航),吴江情*(腾讯),吴克强*(字节跳动),郭正寰*(腾讯),方永鸣*(厦航),林威洋*(厦航)
4. 2016级 博士生:彭贺,ANWAR,BUGINGO,Halefom;研究生:蔡思凡(新加坡国立大学读博),董芮冰(招银网络),刘衡(招银网络),吴茜(国网福建信通公司),谭婷*(腾讯)、李健真*(腾讯),钟舒妍*(Aibee),叶涛雨*(哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)理学院研究助理)
5. 2015级 博士生:黄添林,Yaser;研究生:车玉馨(新加坡国立大学读博),宋博文(腾讯),朱源*(杭州之江实验室),王嘉廉(厦门美图),林焕新*(厦门美图),马英东(北京滴滴)
6. 2014级 博士生:MUHETO;研究生:叶馥榕(读博),黄粲(腾讯),张羽中(阿里巴巴),邓大博(招银网络),孟静*(美团)
7. 2013级 研究生:吴鸿腾(美团),陈佳晶(百度),陈晓锋(美团->动感字节)
8. 2012级 研究生:林阿弟(悉尼科技大学读博),万珊红(银行),尤镇(阿里巴巴-> 美团->动感字节)
9. 2011级 研究生:洪诗保(新加坡),蔡淇森(阿里巴巴->腾讯->美图),洪绍辉(读博)
10. 2009级 研究生:张真真(香港科技大学->新加坡国立大学),项光特(百度)
11. 2008级 研究生:吴博(建设银行厦门研发中心),林阳斌(Google->厦门大学读博->集美大学),华娴(华为海外IT部)
12. 2007级 研究生:郑捷敏(网宿科技-> 阿里巴巴),周细岳(广州万联证券)
13. 2006级 研究生:彭煜(香港大学-> RocketFuel Retargeting Company->DataBricks(美国),陈竞驰(香港大学-> RocketFuel Retargeting Company->Google),刘永凯(Teradata->阿里巴巴),蓝祺花(仰恩大学)
14. 2005级 研究生:魏丽军(香港城市大学博士->广东工业大学教授),陈青山(建设银行厦门研发中心)
15. 2004级 研究生:刘艳娟(北京康宏金融集团),陈胜达(三五互联)
16. 2003级 研究生:熊腾科(加拿大)
1. 2019首届中国高校“人工智能+”大学生创新创业创造大赛特等奖
2. 指导厦门大学我知盘中餐团队获得2018年互联网+大学生创新创业大赛金奖
3. 指导厦门大学研究生团队获得2018年全国研究生移动终端大赛一等奖
4. 指导厦大学生获第七届金程杯2018全国大学生模拟企业家商业竞赛全国总冠军
5. 指导厦门大学研究生团队获得2014年全国spark开发者竞赛冠军
6. 指导厦门大学学生参加ACM/ICPC竞赛获得3金、8银、1次世界总决赛
[1] 2009,算法设计与分析,国防工业出版社出版
[2] 2007,算法设计与分析(高级教程),国防工业出版社出版
[1] J Chen, D Zhang, Y Nanehkarana, D Li. Detection of rice plant diseases based on deep transfer learning. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture. 2020, 100(7):3246-3256.
[2] J Chen, J Chen, D Zhang, Y Sun, Y A Nanehkaran. Using deep transfer learning for image-based plant disease identification. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2020, 173: 105393.
[3] Z Lei, Y Sun, YA Nanehkaran, S Yang, MS Islam, H Lei, D Zhang.A novel data-driven robust framework based on machine learning and knowledge graph for disease classification. Future Generation Computer Systems 2020,102, 534-548
[4] HT Weldegebriel, H Liu, AU Haq, E Bugingo, D Zhang.A New Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network and eXtreme Gradient Boosting Classifier for Recognizing Handwritten Ethiopian Characters. 2020, IEEE Access
[5] T Wu, F Xiao, C Zhang, D Zhang, Z Liang. Regression and extrapolation guided optimization for production–distribution with ship–buy–exchange options. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2019, 129, 15-37
[6] H Peng, X Zeng, Y Zhou, D Zhang, R Nussinov, F Cheng. A component overlapping attribute clustering (COAC) algorithm for single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis and potential pathobiological implications. PLoS computational biology 15 (2), e1006772
[7] AU Haq, D Zhang, H Peng, SU Rahman.Combining Multiple Feature-Ranking Techniques and Clustering of Variables for Feature Selection. IEEE Access 2019,7, 151482-151492
[8] D Li, Z Gong, D Zhang. A common topic transfer learning model for crossing city POI recommendations. IEEE transactions on cybernetics 2019,49 (12), 4282-4295
[9] L Wei, Z Zhang, D Zhang, SCH Leung.A simulated annealing algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints.European Journal of Operational Research 265 (3), 843-859
[10] YW Si, VI Chan, M Dumas, D Zhang. A Petri Nets based Generic Genetic Algorithm framework for resource optimization in business processes. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2018,86, 72-101
[11] J Liu, YW Si, D Zhang, L Zhou. Trend following in financial time series with multi-objective optimization. Applied Soft Computing 66, 149-167.
[12] Defu Zhang, Ruibing Dong, Yain-Whar Si, Furong Ye, Qisen Cai: A hybrid swarm algorithm based on ABC and AIS for 2L-HFCVRP. Applied Soft Computing 64: 468-479 (2018)
[13] D Li, Z Gong, D Zhang.A Common Topic Transfer Learning Model for Crossing City POI Recommendations. IEEE transactions on cybernetics, 1-14,2018.
[14] YW Si, VI Chan, M Dumas, D Zhang.A Petri Nets based Generic Genetic Algorithm framework for resource optimization in business processes. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 86, 72-101,2018
[15] J Liu, YW Si, D Zhang, L Zhou.Trend following in financial time series with multi-objective optimization. Applied Soft Computing 66, 149-167,2018.
[16] YP Cui, Y Yao, D Zhang.Applying triple-block patterns in solving the two-dimensional bin packing problem.Journal of the Operational Research Society 69 (3), 402-415,2018.
[17] Lijun Wei, Zhenzhen Zhang, Defu Zhang, Stephen C. H. Leung.A simulated annealing algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints. European Journal of Operational Research 265(3): 843-859 (2018)
[18] Jingyuan Liu, Yain-Whar Si, Defu Zhang, Ligang Zhou. Trend following in financial time series with multi-objective optimization. Applied Soft Computing 66: 149-167 (2018)
[19] Bili Chen, Yangbin Lin, Wenhua Zeng, Hang Xu, Defu Zhang.The mean-variance cardinality constrained portfolio optimization problem using a local search-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. Applied Intelligence 47(2): 505-525 (2017)
[20] Hang Xu,Wenhua Zeng,Defu Zhang,Xiangxiang Zeng. MOEA/HD: A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,99: 1-10(2017)
[21] Defu Zhang, Sifan Cai, Furong Ye, Yain-Whar Si, Trung Thanh Nguyen.A hybrid algorithm for a vehicle routing problem with realistic constraints. Information Sciences 394: 167-182 (2017)
[22] Hongteng Wu, Stephen C.H. Leung, Yain-whar Si, Defu Zhang, Adi Lin. Three-stage heuristic algorithm for three-dimensional irregular packing problem. Applied Mathematical Modelling 41(2017) 431–444.
[23] Defu Zhang, Yingdong Ma, Jinxiu Chen.A Study of Distributed MOEA/D Based on Spark Framework. HPCC 2017: 609-610
[24] Defu Zhang, Yuxin Che, Furong Ye, Yain-Whar Si, Stephen C. H. Leung. A hybrid algorithm based on variable neighbourhood for the strip packing problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 2016, 32(2):513-530.
[25] Yuxin Che, Shaohui Hong, Defu Zhang, Liming Zhang.Learning Markov Blanket Bayesian Network for Big Data in MapReduce. ICTAI 2016: 896-900
[26] Can Huang, Defu Zhang, Yain-Whar Si, Stephen C. H. Leung. Tabu search for the real-world carpooling problem.Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 2016, 32(2):492-512.
[27] Furong Ye, Liming Zhang, Defu Zhang, Hamido Fujita, Zhiguo Gong.A novel forecasting method based on multi-order fuzzy time series and technical analysis. Information Sciences 2016, 367–368: 41-57.
[28] Yain-Whar Si, Kin-Kuan Hoi, Robert P. Biuk-Aghai, Simon Fong, Defu Zhang. Run-based exception prediction for workflows. Journal of Systems and Software 113: 59-75 (2016)
[29] Defu Zhang, Leyuan Shi, Stephen C.H. Leung, Tao Wu. A priority heuristic for the guillotine rectangular packing problem, Information Processing Letters 2016,116(1):15-21.
[30] Xiaofeng Chen,Defu Zhang,Xiangxiang Zeng. A Stable Matching-Based Selection and Memory Enhanced MOEA/D for Evolutionary Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization. the 27th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence ICTAI 2015,2015.
[31] Bili Chen, Yangbin Lin,Wenhua Zeng,Defu Zhang,Yain-Whar Si. Modified differential evolution algorithm using a new diversity maintenance strategy for multi-objective optimization problem. Applied Intelligence 2015, 43(1):49-73.
[32] Wei L,Zhang Z,Zhang D,Lim A. A variable neighborhood search for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints. European Journal of Operational Research 243(3) (2015):798–814.
[33] Zhen You,Yain-Whar Si,Defu Zhang,XiangXiang Zeng, Stephen C.H. Leung, Tao Li. A Decision-Making Framework for Precision Marketing. Expert Systems With Applications 42(7) (2015) 3357-3367.
[34] Qisen Cai, Defu Zhang, Wei Zheng, Stephen C.H. Leung. A new fuzzy time series forecasting model combined with ant colony optimization and auto-regression. Knowledge-Based Systems 74(1) (2015) 61-68.
[35] Shaohui Hong, Defu Zhang, Hoong Chuin LAU, XiangXiang Zeng, Yain-Whar Si. A hybrid heuristic algorithm for the 2D variable-sized bin packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research 238(1)(2014) 95-103.
[36] B. Chen, W. Zeng, Y. Lin, D. Zhang. A New Local Search-based Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 19(1) (2015)50 - 73.
[37] Defu Zhang, Lijun Wei, Stephen C. H. Leung, Qingshan Chen. A Binary Search Heuristic Algorithm Based on Randomized Local Search for the Rectangular Strip Packing Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 25 (2) (2013) 332-345.
[38] Stephen C.H. Leung, Zhenzhen Zhang, Defu Zhang, Xian Hua, Ming K. Lim. A meta-heuristic algorithm for heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problems with two-dimensional loading constraints. European Journal of Operational Research 225 (2013) 199-210.
[39] Defu Zhang, Yu Peng, Stephen C.H. Leung. A heuristic block-loading algorithm based on multi-layer search for the container loading problem. Computers & Operations Research 39(10) (2012) 2267-2276.
[40] Stephen C.H.Leung, Defu Zhang, Changle Zhou, Tao Wu. A hybrid simulated annealing metaheuristic algorithm for the two-dimensional knapsack packing problem. Computers and Operations Research 39 (1) (2012) 64-73.
[41] Leung SCH, Lin Y, Zhang D. Extended local search algorithm based on nonlinear programming for two-dimensional irregular strip packing. Computers &Operations Research 39(3)(2012) 678-686.
[42] 张德富,彭煜,张丽丽.求解三维装箱问题的多层启发式搜索算法.计算机学报12 (2012) 2553-2561.
[43] Leung SCH, Zhang D. A fast layer-based heuristic for non-guillotine strip packing. Expert Systems with Applications 38(10) (2011) 13032-13042.
[44] Leung SCH, Zhang D, Sim KM. A two-stage intelligent search algorithm for the two-dimensional strip packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research 215(1) (2011) 57-69.
[45] Yongkai Liu, Defu Zhang, Francis Y. L. Chin. A clique-based algorithm for constructing feasible timetables. Optimization Methods and Software 26(2) (2011) 281-294.
[46] Wu Tao, Zhang Defu, He Yan. A novel mixed integer programming formulation and progressively stochastic search for capacitated lot sizing. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering (2011) 1-20.
[47] Stephen C. H. Leung, Jiemin Zheng, Defu Zhang, Xiyue Zhou. Simulated annealing for the vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 22(1-2) (2010) 61-82.
[48] Leung Stephen C.H. Zhou, Xiyue Zhang Defu Zheng, Jiemin. Extended guided tabu search and a new packing algorithm for the two-dimensional loading vehicle routing problem. Computers and Operations Research 38(1) (2010) 205-215.
[49] Zhang D., Zhou X., Leung S.C.H., Zheng J. Vertical Bagging Decision Trees Model for Credit Scoring, Expert Systems with Applications 37(12) (2010) 7838-7843.
[50] Defu Zhang, Yongkai Liu, Rym M’Hallah and Stephen C.H. Leung. A Simulated Annealing with a New Neighborhood Structure Based Algorithm for High School Timetabling Problems. European Journal of Operational Research 203(2010) 550-558.
[51] 张德富, 彭煜, 朱文兴, 陈火旺. 求解三维装箱问题的混合模拟退火算法. 计算机学报 32(11) (2009) 3147-2156.
[52] ZHANG De-Fu, CHEN Jing-Chi, LIU Yong-Kai, CHEN Huo-Wang. Discrete no-fit polygon, a simple structure for the 2-D irregular packing problem. Journal of Software (软件学报) 20(6) (2009) 1511-1520.
[53] Lijun Wei, Defu Zhang, Qingshan Chen. A least wasted first heuristic algorithm for the rectangular packing problem. Computers & Operations Research 36(5) (2009)1608-1614.
[54] Xiyue Zhou, Defu Zhang, Yi Jiang. A new credit scoring method based on rough sets and decision tree. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 12th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 5012 (2008)1081-1089.
[55] Defu Zhang, Shuihua Han, Weiguo Ye. A bricklaying heuristic algorithm for the orthogonal rectangular packing problem. Chinese Journal of Computers(计算机学报) 23(3) (2008) 509-515.
[56] 张德富, 魏丽军, 陈青山, 陈火旺. 三维装箱问题的组合启发式算法.软件学报, 2007,18(9):2083-2089.
[57] Defu zhang, Shengda Chen, Yanjuan Liu. An improved heuristic recursive strategy for genetic algorithm of the orthogonal packing of rectangles. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA(自动化学报) 33(9) (2007) 911-916.
[58] Defu Zhang, Yan Kang, Ansheng Deng. A new heuristic recursive algorithm for the strip rectangular packing problem. Computers & Operations Research 33(8) (2006) 2209-2217.
[59] ZHANG De-Fu, LI Xin. A Personified Annealing Algorithm for Circles Packing Problem. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA(自动化学报)31(4) (2005) 590-595.
[60] Defu Zhang, Qingshan Jiang, and Xin Li. A Hybrid Mining Model Based on Neural Network and Kernel Smoothing Technique. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3516 (2005) 801-805.
[61] Defu Zhang, Tangqiu Li, Shaozi Li. An Improved Shifting Bottleneck Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design 2 (2005) 1112−1116.
[62] De-fu Zhang, An-Sheng Deng. An effective hybrid algorithm for the problem of packing circles into a larger containing circle. Computers & Operations Research 32(8) (2005) 1941−1951.
[63] Huang Wenqi, Zhang Defu and Wang Houxiang. An algorithm based on tabu search for satisfiability problem. Journal of Computer Science and Technology(计算机科学与技术) 17(3) (2002) 340−346.
[64] Zhang Defu, Huang Wenqi and Wang Houxiang. A Personified Annealing Algorithm for SAT Problem, Chinese Journal of Computers(计算机学报) 25(2) (2002) 148−152.
1. 软件著作权:娱学科技——智慧考勤系统,2018
2. 软件著作权:娱学科技——智慧点评系统,2018
3. 软件著作权:首席装箱系统,2009