讲座题目:Building a Science Base for the Information Age

讲座摘要:Computer science is undergoing a fundamental change. Over the last 40 years the field was concerned with making computers useful. Focus was on programming languages, compilers, operating systems, data structures and algorithms. These are still important topics but with the merging of computing and communication, the emergence of social networks, and the large amount of information in digital form, focus is shifting to applications such as extracting information from large data set and structure of networks. This talk will give a brief vision of the future and then an introduction to the science base that is forming to support these new directions in computer science.
John Edward Hopcroft 教授是美国著名的理论计算机科学家,现任职于美国康奈尔大学计算机科学系工程与应用数学方向 IBM 冠名教授。他于1962年和1964年分别从斯坦福大学获得硕士学位与博士学位,在普林斯顿大学工作三年后任职于康奈尔大学。1986年,John 由于在算法及数据结构设计和分析方面的基础性成就,被授予计算机科学领域最高荣誉——图灵奖。1992年,他被布什总统指定为监督国家科学基金会的国家科学委员会成员。2005年,John获得 IEEE哈里·古德(Harry Goode)纪念奖,此奖项用以表彰他为算法及在信息过程中的应用所作的极大贡献。