【海韵讲座】2019年第14期-Intelligent Defense against DDoS, Malware, and Internet Fraud
发布时间:2019-03-05 点击:



Abstract: The tremendous big data generated from natural systems, engineered systems, and life demand new capabilities in algorithms and systems to explore insights, make decisions, and create deep intelligence. In the meantime, adversaries manipulate advanced technologies to launch large-scale attacks, threatening the health, wealth, and prosperity of the Internet and computer systems. This talk starts with a brief introduction of the recent progress in deep learning and machine learning. Three security cases will be investigated and defense solutions will be presented to fight against DDoS, malware, and fraud.

Bio: Dr. Xiaolin Andy Li is a Professor and University Term Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Florida. He is the founding director of National Science Foundation Center for Big Learning along with UF as the lead, CMU, Oregon, and UMKC, the first NSF center on large-scale deep learning, supported by over 30 industry members. He is also the director of Large-scale Intelligent Systems Laboratory. His research interests include big data, deep learning, security,  cloud computing, and intelligent platforms. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers in journals and conference proceedings, 5 books, and 4 patents. His research has been sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and others. He received a PhD degree in Computer Engineering from Rutgers University. He is a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, the Internet2 Innovative Application Award, NSF I-Corps Top Team Award, the CAGI Challenge on Detecting Bipolar Disorder Top Team Award (DeepBipolar), and several best paper awards (IEEE SECON 2016, IEEE ICMLA 2016, ACM CAC 2013 and IEEE UbiSafe 2007).

邀请人:网络空间安全系 肖亮

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