Ye Luo, Manjunath M. (2017), Smoothing of Limit Linear Series of Rank One on Saturated Metrized Complexes of Algebraic Curves, Canadian Journal of Mathematics,, https://cms.math.ca/10.4153/CJM-2017-027-2
Ye Luo, Chamanzar, M., Apuzzo, A., Salas-Montiel, R., Nguyen, K. N., Blaize, S., & Adibi, A. (2015). On-chip hybrid photonic–plasmonic light concentrator for nanofocusing in an integrated silicon photonics platform. Nano letters, 15(2), 849-856
Ye Luo (2011). Rank-determining sets of metric graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 118(6), 1775-1793
Ye Luo, Chamanzar, M., & Adibi, A. (2013). Compact on-chip plasmonic light concentration based on a hybrid photonic-plasmonic structure. Optics express, 21(2), 1898-1910
Ye Luo, Chamanzar, M., & Adibi, A. (2011, October). Ultra-compact on-chip light concentrator based on a hybrid dielectric-plasmonic structure. In Photonics Conference (PHO), 2011 IEEE (pp. 658-659). IEEE